Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
Where do I conduct Fitness Evaluations and training?
I'm an independent trainer who usually goes to my clients facility, usually located in their building as gyms often don't allow outside trainers. There are some private gyms in NYC that I can pay per use. Some clients request that I train them in Central Park or even in their own homes, I have a lot of easily transportable equipment that I can bring along to sessions, making it possible to assess and train anywhere.
What is the difference between Level 1 & 2?
Level 1 & 2 are different in that Level 1 focuses on stability and mobility issues, which provides the foundation for Level 2 which assesses strength and power. They don't represent different level of fitness, anyone can be tested for both. However, training for strength and power may not be for everyone if there are major stability or mobility issues present.
What does the TPI Website/ app do and can it evaluate you directly?
The TPI website/ app is a tool that I use to enter screening results. It uses the results from my evaluation of you to calculate your fitness handicap and recommends ways of improving golf specific movement patterns. From that information it helps me develop a customized program tailored to your physical needs. Along with the fitness handicap, you receive a report on what each test means and how it directly effects your golf swing. You can then access the program directly via the TPI website/ app. The program is easy to follow with video descriptions or you can print out photos and directions via .PDF format.
What is FMS and why is it relative?
It stands for Functional Movement Screen. It is a similar test to TPI but isn't golf specific. It looks at the way you move as a human not a golfer and tests you on key movements that are deemed essential to good health. When combined with TPI it gives a fantastic overall picture of your ability to move. The scores from FMS have been correlated to the possibility for future injury.
How far am I willing to travel to conduct fitness screens?
My catchment area is uptown Manhattan and lower Westchester County. For Sessions outside of Manhattan, expect a surcharge for time and travel.