“I am an avid golfer in my mid 30s and started working with Will due to mobility issues. When I met Will, I had many issues and concerns ranging from hip tightness, muscle imbalances and ingrained bad habits. He quickly created an action plan to get me on a path to move forward in a focused and strategic way. I’ve worked with many trainers before and was impressed with his guidance, knowledge and professionalism. Will helped me transform to a completely new level of mobility and stability that I haven’t seen in years. Ultimately, I am playing pain free and have moved my swing speed from 103 to 113 mph!  — David W, client since 2023

"Will and I have trained together for about 10 years.  Two years ago, Will convinced me to focus on golf fitness.  Since then, both strength and flexibility have markedly improved in the areas Will targeted to improve my swing.  I’ve added about 20 yards to my longest drives, and my ball flight and strike are more consistent.  I’m 69 and not getting any younger.   But my handicap is the lowest it’s been in 20 years, and my golfing buddies are moving in the opposite direction!”  --Richard Daniel, client since 2005

"NYC does not lack for personal trainers, but finding a true professional -- one who respects the craft and undertakes it with pride and purpose -- is not easy. From the start of our relationship I was impressed by Will's extensive education and training in the field, but even more by his acute interest in, and sensitivity to, the physical and mental condition of his clients and his constant quest to make them better. Rather than lapsing into complacent routine, he constantly researches the newest developments in physiology, diet and sports science, behavior I suspect most trainers cannot match. I hate to think where and what I would be had we not begun working together." --Ken Wang, since 2006

“As a former competitive athlete, I maintain very high standards when it comes to personal trainers. Will’s insights of sports science combined with his effortless delivery and motivating energy have been transformational.  I came to him as an out of shape, retired athlete wanting to return to my sport.  Not only did Will help me achieve this goal, but through his individualized training plan, I emerged stronger, faster, and more capable in my 30s than I was in my 20s.  --Vivian Mougios, since 2008

"As as mom in her fifties, I am more fit, flexible, co-ordinated and energetic than I was 20 years ago.  I have been working with Will since 2009 and since then I have seen a major improvement in my fitness.  At my sons bar mitzva this year I was overwhelmed with compliments and attribute the source directly to working with him.  This is coming from someone with 30 years as a fitness enthusiast.  We workout outdoors year round (at my request), and our sessions have made me a huge believer in Will's application of the TRX and bodyweight training.  He creates me programs to follow with my own TRX, so when I'm traveling I don't miss a beat.  Will is the consummate professional, he is thoughtful, a walking encyclopedia of fitness, supportive and committed to achieving performance beyond my expectations."  --Dr. Nechama Sorscher, since 2009

"Working with Will was a tremendously important part of my collegiate swimming career. He helped me develop as a well-balanced athlete through strength training, cardio workouts and core development. Will designs training sessions to make the most athletic impact and his workouts are never routine or repetitive. He focuses on tailoring every activity to the athlete in front of him, and his support helped fuel me through the challenges of training and competition. The results of my training with Will were manifest not only in my improved race times and school records, but in my overall health and physical well-being."  --Reid Fitzgerald, since 2010

“I have been working with Will for about 2 1/2 years.  During that time my overall strength has improved a lot and I have even dropped a couple pant sizes.  But, the real difference is in my golf game.  Will has tailored the workouts to enhance my strength, stability, mobility, and balance.  The work we have done has greatly improved my golf swing – I hit the ball with more accuracy and am able to achieve more distance.  While I have been working with him,  my handicap index has dropped from 20 to an all time low of 14.8!”  --Lisa Witten, since 2012